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How to apply Fumed to furnitureUpdated 3 months ago

Consult the TDS prior to using Fumed.

Materials needed

  • Nitrile gloves
  • Sanding machines and sandpaper
  • Vacuum
  • Raw Wood Cleaner
  • Paint applicator pad, brush, or sprayer
  • Fumed
  • Water
  • Clean rags


Application process


  1. Sand according to industry guidelines. Finish with screening net 100 to 150, the color intensity depends on the sanding method used. When renovating, you must remove all the residues from previous treatments completely (varnish, oil, wax, etc.). 
  2. Vacuum the surface.
  3. Clean using Raw Wood Cleaner.
  4. Allow the surface to dry completely.


  1. Shake the product thoroughly.
  2. Apply the Fumed with a paint applicator pad, brush, or paint sprayer. 
    • Be sure to keep a wet edge and apply enough product to ensure even coverage. Do not oversaturate the surface.
  3. Allow the surface to dry for approximately 36 hours. 
  4. Neutralize the surface using a rag damp with water and allow to dry.
  5. Apply Oil Plus 2C. Please consult the technical data sheet of the oil for a correct application. 

Clean up

  1. Clean your tools using water.
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