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Universal Maintenance Oil tipsUpdated 3 months ago

  • Stir the product well before applying.
  • When using several units on one site, it is recommended to mix them to obtain an even result.
  • Maintenance with Rubio Monocoat Oil Plus 2C in the original color is recommended as soon as the treated surface begins to show excessive wear or the color needs to be refreshed.
  • Use very little product to prevent the surface from becoming sticky.
  • Ensure adequate ventilation.
  • Do not use any cleaners other than Surface Care Spray.
  • Do not apply more oil to a section of the surface than can be managed within about 15 minutes. If the oil gets too sticky during the buffing process, you should do smaller, more manageable sections.
  • Do not use liquids for cleaning the finished surface until fully cured. Only vacuum or dry dust the surface during this time.
  • After fully cured, follow the recommended care instructions.
  • Running powerful professional electric machines should only be done by professionals.
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