How to use Exterior Wood Cleaner on deckingUpdated 3 months ago
Consult the TDS prior to using Exterior Wood Cleaner.
Materials needed
- Water source
- Exterior Wood Cleaner
- Nitrile Gloves
- Eye protection
- Stiff bristle nylon brush
Application instructions
- First, dampen the surface with water. Use a garden hose, but never a high-pressure cleaner.
- Take Exterior Wood Cleaner and pour it in a bucket. Always use gloves and be careful the product doesn't get in the eyes.
- Now, apply some undiluted Exterior Wood Cleaner and scrub it with a nylon scrubbing brush in the lengthwise direction of the wood. This will cause the product to foam.
- Once the wood is clean, rinse thoroughly with water until the foam has disappeared.
- Allow the surface to dry completely.
To set you up for success, please review the Exterior Wood Cleaner tips.