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Tannin Remover

Remove black spots and stains from wood caused by alkaline reactions to the tannin that is naturally found in wood.

How to use Tannin Remover

Step-by-step instructions on how to use Rubio Monocoat Tannin Remover.

Can I use Tannin Remover to get rid of grey or black stains on the wood surface?

Yes, Tannin Remover is designed to effectively remove stains and spots in wood surfaces caused by alkaline reactions or rust. This versatile stain remover is perfect for tackling rust stains or tannin stains such as rings or marks left by cans,...

Will Tannin Remover get rid of any stain?

No, Tannin Remover will only work to remove stains caused by an alkaline reaction with tannins present in wood and rust stains.

How long should I let Tannin Remover soak before wiping the wood surface clean?

Allow Tannin Remover to sit for several minutes for absorption. It may be necessary to do multiple treatments if the stain is not fully removed. Severe stains make take up to 20 minutes to be removed.

Can I do more than 1 treatment of Tannin Remover?

Yes, it may be necessary to do multiple treatments if the stain is not fully removed.

Can I use Tannin Remover on a floor or wood surface that has been treated with Fumed or Smoke reactive stains?

No, Tannin Remover should not be used on floors treated with tannin reactive stains like Fumed or Smoke as it neutralizes the color from the reaction of reactive stains. However, it may be used with the Pre-Aging or Precolor Easy pretreatments.

How can I tell if a stain is a tannin stain?

Tannin stains are typically a grey or black color. And are most associated with high tannin content woods like oak. If you are unsure if it is a tannin stain, please send in a photo to our support team to begin the conversation. We'd be happy to...